Sleep Apnea Treatment
Sleep Apnea Treatment From
Your Woodlands Dentist
Talk to Us and Get Some Rest!
We know your mouth better than anyone. In fact, we are probably more familiar with your head, neck, and throat than most. Unless you regularly see an Otolaryngologist, our doctors are the ones who examine your mouth, neck, jaw, sinuses, and other oral structures most frequently and know your particular anatomy on a pretty intimate level. We can see when there are abnormalities, such as excessive or enlarged soft tissue in your throat, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, an enlarged tongue, or if you have an overbite. All of these things can cause snoring – and worse.
Please Tell Us If You Snore
Snoring might be a nightly nuisance, keeping partners from sharing a bed and disturbing everyone’s sleep. But it can also be an indicator of a serious problem – sleep apnea!
Sleep apnea keeps you from really sleeping, often waking you hundreds of times a night. Responses are slow, memory difficulties can begin, concentration at work and during driving can happen. It’s dangerous!
While we usually realize there is a risk for sleep apnea upon examination or during a conversation, please tell us right away if you or your bed partner snore – and especially if you stop breathing during episodes of snoring.